Expressive Arts Therapy

2263300709“Children should be seen and not heard.”

Maybe you were told that as a child… or to “keep it down.”

Or that you were “too silly” or frivolous…

Or that you weren’t good enough.

Those experiences and messages shut you down and damaged your trust in yourself.

Creativity is an important tool.

You can use it to heal by exploring your inner world.

It can help you get around the blocks in your thinking, shifting the focus from the mind to the feelings you have in your body.

Maybe creativity has helped you in the past… or you’re a bit intimidated to start. Either way, I’ll meet you where you are.

Through creativity, you can explore, understand, shift your emotions and sense of self, and heal.

1997770595It’s time to find a new language!

Art can be a transformative ritual, giving us a new language to know and integrate our fractured inner pieces.

Through drama therapy, visual arts, movement, and poetry, we can explore issues you’re struggling with from all angles.

Through our work together, you’ll tap into the vast well of resources in your unconscious, embody your authentic voice, and grow in self-compassion.

Find your voice!

I am here to help you find your voice, get to know your feelings, and trust in yourself.

If you’re ready to let go of old stories and forge ahead as your true self…

Don’t be shy! Call or text, and we’ll get started with your free consultation: (510) 995-6358.